Agreed to give an interview to the media? Want to know if it’ll be adversarial or conversational? Then find out using our hot or cold interview style predictor. Not a very catchy name we’ll grant you. But it does exactly what the name suggests.
Our media trainer, Richard Uridge, indulges in a little bit of journalistic finger wagging answer in this, the latest episode in the Z to A of Media Training (sister series of the Z to A of Presenting – because why start with the letter A when everybody else does)?
If a picture's worth a thousand words then maybe a few well chosen words can paint a picure.
If you want to make an important point in an interview or presentation then here's how to nail it
How to make your key messages stand out in a media interview or presentation.
Ask the Owls: how do you prepare for a media interview when you have very limited time?
Why interviewees should be in the driving seat for media interviews
B is for broadcast media training in a social meda landscape | The Z to A of media training
L is for less is more: the Z to A of media training
With respect: deconstructing Tory MP Michael Tomlinson's road crash interview on Rwanda bill.
Why wising up is better than dumbing down when communicating complexity
How to tell if a media interview will be adversarial or conversational.
How putting your key messages at the beginning and end of an interview makes them more memorable.
acmtraining February 19, 2025 6:13 pm