
We offer training across five main subject headings – all of them loosely connected yet devilishly difficult to categorise. Nonetheless we’ve put them together in groups which we hope make sense. For example, our best-selling dealing with difficult people workshop is in the same category as our managing difficult teams and handling awkward conversations courses. And blogging and writing for the web appear under the social media banner.

  1. Communication – includes presentation skills.
  2. Dealing with difficult people – includes the popular workshop of the same name and managing difficult teams.
  3. Media – includes our broadcast media training to help you say what you want (and mean what you say)!
  4. Professional development – includes leadership and management and training for trainers.
  5. Social media – does what it says on the tin, with courses in social media strategy and blogging.

Individuals or organisations with just a handful of people who need training usually attend our open (public) workshops which are held at venues in London, Manchester and Bristol and, from time-to-time, in other towns and cities depending on demand. Bigger organisations normally book us to work with them in-house.

We also run evening sessions – short, information-packed, illustrated and interactive presentations that condense a lot of learning into three hours or less.

And if you can’t find what you’re looking for on our A-Z course finder list then you can always build you own mixing and matching elements from all that we offer (or don’t) in order to come up with something that delivers your exact training needs. We’ll even help you with a training needs analysis if necessary.